Jump Rope Vs. Running – Which One Is Better?

Jump Rope Vs. Running – Which One Is Better?

Jump Rope Vs. Running – Which One Is Better? Questioning the superiority of jump rope exercises over running or vice versa is one of the most common fitness questions.

People want to know which exercise is more beneficial, so they can invest their time and money more efficiently. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is complex and requires taking a look at several factors.

As a general rule of thumb, jumping rope is better than running in all areas except one (more on that later).

In this article, we will cover every aspect of comparison between jumping rope and running to determine which exercise is superior. By the end of this piece, you will have all the necessary knowledge to decide which exercise to engage in from now on. However, we still recommend that you do both.

jump rope Vs. Treadmill

Jump Rope Versus Running – Which Burns More Calories?

Jump rope exercises and running both burns an impressive number of calories. If we take a 10-minute session, jump rope has the advantage.

Here is a table that summarizes the number of calories burnt by each exercise in a 150-pound male performing the exercise for 10 minutes:

Intensity Jumping rope Running
Low 105 calories 117 calories
Medium 140 calories 125 calories
High 146 calories 140 calories

Note that several factors become relevant when calculating how many calories each exercise burns. These factors include age, gender, body type, and genetics.



Jump rope is better than a running workout – Why jump rope is a better exercise?

To objectify the superiority of jump rope or running, we need to consider the shared benefits of each exercise, then see which one is more beneficial.

The next sections will cover these benefits and how jumping rope is better than running:

weight loose with jump rope

Weight loss

If you are exercising to place your metabolism in a state of caloric deficit and lose weight, jumping rope exercises are better than running. Consider that one minute of jumping rope can burn up to 16 calories. This means that an exercise of 30 minutes divided into 3 segments can burn around 480 calories.

For reference, doing 10 minutes of jumping rope equals doing an 8-min mile. This places jump rope on top when it comes to burning fat and losing weight.

We should note that people with heart diseases or chronic high blood pressure should avoid doing jump rope exercises.

jump rope vs. treadmill

Muscle hypertrophy

When it comes to muscle hypertrophy of the lower body, jumping rope is clearly superior. The repetitive movements boost muscle growth but also help in preventing injuries. You see, your knees will experience less strain and your ankles will become more stable.

This makes jump rope exercises ideal for people with injuries who are not allowed to run long distances.

Coordination and agility

To perform jump rope exercises, you need quick footwork and excellent coordination of other parts of the body. Fitness experts consider jump rope to be a great way of conditioning athletes and improving their balance and coordination, as well as stamina.

jump rope vs. treadmill

How many calories can you burn with jump rope?

As we mentioned above, the exact number of calories burnt during jump rope exercises varies from one individual to another.

Aside from the factors we covered, the type of jump rope exercises you perform plays an important role in determining how many calories you will burn.

For instance, a person who weighs 150 pounds can easily burn more than 100 calories when doing jump exercises for 10 minutes. Conversely, a person who weighs 200 pounds can burn up to 300 calories when doing jump rope exercises for 15 minutes.

What is the difference between the two individuals?

It is the number of jumps per second. In our example, the first person is doing one jump per second, whereas the second one is performing two jumps per second.

The benefits of running

Improves cardiovascular endurance

Running conditions the cardiovascular system and strengthens the walls of the heart. As a result, it increases the efficiency of the ventricles in pumping blood. Running also improves your lipid panel by decreasing bad cholesterol (i.e., LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (i.e., HDL).

Scientists found that people who run on a daily basis have significantly stronger hearts and lower heart rates. This lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, by up to 55%.


Reduces mental burden

Multiple meta-analyses demonstrated the positive effects of running on mental health. Performing this exercise stimulates the brain to release endorphins and serotonin. Both of these chemicals induce relaxation and control stress levels. Moreover, when you run outside, you are less likely to suffer from depression, isolation, or loneliness. This practice also improves your quality of sleep.

Treadmill vs. skipping rope

Clears out lungs

Running is an effective way to get rid of toxins, metabolites, and excess carbon dioxide from your body. It also aids in the disposal of phlegm and mucus. One study found that running is extremely effective at increasing your respiratory VO2 Max, which is an important parameter, especially for athletes.

How jumping rope boosts your cardiovascular endurance

Because jumping rope raises your heart rate quickly, it is an excellent way of exercising to improve cardiovascular health. The amount of oxygen that can be used by your lungs during exercise is known as VO2 Max. The higher this number is, the better you are at enduring physical training.

In one study published in the Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, researchers found that college-aged men who performed jump rope exercises twice a day had a considerably better VO2 Max compared to those who stuck to their usual fitness routines. The study lasted for 12 weeks, meaning you can expect VO2 Max to reach higher levels after 3 months of jump rope training.

Jumping rope may also benefit those at risk of heart disease. Researchers published their findings in the European Journal of Applied Physiology about this aspect. They found that after 12 weeks of jump rope training, the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases dropped. The primary effect of jump rope is seen in lowering high blood pressure. Additionally, jumping rope can reduce body fat in the abdomen, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

jump rope and running

How to incorporate a jump rope into your workout routine

Start warming up with a jump rope session

The first step to including jump rope in your workout routine is warming up. Whether you lift weights, run, or practice yoga, a rapid jump rope session can quickly elevate your heart rate. A few minutes of jumping will be all it takes to get the muscles fired up.

If your week has cardio sessions and weight lifting sessions, start all of them with a quick jump rope routine.

Finish your workouts with jump rope

As opposed to warming up with a jump rope session, you can also use it as a workout finisher. At the end of your workout, do a couple of jumping rope rounds.

Some people finish their workout with 100 reps of jump rope after lifting weights. You can also choose more than one routine as a workout finisher.

As a general rule of thumb, stick to 5 minutes of jumping rope at the end of your workout routine. Don’t forget to start doing that in your next workout!

jump rope and running

Include jump rope in your strength training exercises

If you are more inclined toward weight lifting, you can still incorporate a few jump rope rounds into your fitness routine. This can serve as the cardio element that burns fat and increases cardiovascular endurance. Together with strength training, you will have the perfect workout combination.

An example of how to include jump rope is by doing 100 skips between sets of weight lifting.

You can also use jumping rope as an active recovery tool during your days of resting. If you don’t feel like lifting weights but still want to sweat, jumping rope is the answer.

Talk to a personal trainer or fitness coach to get tailored advice on how to include jump rope exercises in your workout routine. The coach will also provide you with ideas about the types of jump rope you can perform.

Alternatively, you can check out the other blog posts that we covered about this topic. You will find all the information you need by clicking on this link (insert link).

Takeaway message

Jumping rope is a fantastic way to burn calories and improve your health. Compared to running, it is a superior way of exercising. However, you should try to get the good part of every workout routine. In other words, do some jump rope exercises, run, and lift weights.

We hope that this article managed to simplify the differences between jump rope and running to help you make an informed decision.

If you have questions, concerns, or personal experiences with a jump rope or running, please do not hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Our contact us page (insert link) is also available for those wanting to have a private conversation.

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New Year Resolution With Jump Rope !

New Year Resolution With Jump Rope !

Updated on 09 December 2024

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